darling.....9 months jor hor....i feel like our love just like the 1st day we couple....
erm.....plus....spm is getting nearer..means...the time we spend together getting lesser...
but after spm....alot of chances waiting us....i know u are choosen to go plkn,,,,but we will enjoy the time together before u go in......
i like r smile, ur heart, ur concern,,,,,
but i hate ur stubborn attitude...but nvm la...u no need to change for me....
i just hope i can understand u more...i knew..sometimes i really did wrong..
but what can u do is just let me......(thanks)
the past few days ...many things happend on me,,,u r the one who accompanied me...and help me solve those problems....im so grateful to have u as my boyfriend......thank you ling...
im sorry if my attitude is too rough and make u not happy with it,,,,im sorry....im so stress for this year....i promise i will chge it after spm....i promise to be gentle and soft spoken to u....
you no need to spend on me so much,,,,i dun like it...u must save ur money for your future....coz i want you to be someone and rich one day.....i wan u to be a useful person..not like those people dunwan to study and just play around......if u like this,,,,i will leave u.....
i just want u to score in ur spm......
hope this sat can go out with u......
muacksss! happy 9th months anniversary.....baby love you always....hug hug...<3
warmest love from: alicia a.k.a lisher_shersher